Oakworth Primary School and Nursery

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

Care Club

Our children love being at Care Club, and we love having them there. It really is a very special place in school! We understand the challenges that our working families face, and do our best to provide a super offer for the children, a home away from home with our Oakworth family!
Care Club has grown over the years from having 26 children to now having the capacity for 60. We are based in the terrapin building on the playground, which underwent major refurbishment in the summer, making it a shiny, new, purpose built facility! We operate Monday to Friday during term time; the morning session runs from 7:30am, providing breakfast, and the evening session until 6pm, providing a hot tea. 
Our aims and objectives are:
To provide a safe, secure, happy and healthy and stimulating environment.
To promote positive relationships and communication between parents/carers and staff.
To provide quality experiences for the children and to ensure that each child knows the natural limits and consistency that occurs within a caring environment. Limits are based on health and safety and the rights of others.
The Care Club values all children's abilities, cultural and linguistic background, racial origins, gender and family grouping;  staff encourage children to respect other peoples beliefs and challenge personal prejudice.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the office and we will be in touch!